Previously: Orev unveiled the details of the plan, and offered Uriel one last chance to take the job.


Comic Transcript

Uriel stares pensively up at the moon.

He turns his gaze to Orev, who is standing with one hand on his hip, the other holding the scroll to his chin as he smirks. The lizard has migrated to his other shoulder and looks on concernedly. Uriel holds up a finger.

Uriel: Very well. Tell your boss I accept.

Uriel: Tentatively.

Close zoom on Orev holding out the scroll.

Close zoom on Uriel reaching for the scroll.

Uriel grabs Orev's wrist. The scroll falls out of his hand.

Uriel torques Orev's arm back and immobilizes his other arm at the elbow, sinking his teeth into Orev's neck.

Close zoom on Orev's lifeless head lying sideways on the ground, eyes blank and pupil-less, slight smirk frozen on his face, and what is either blood or shadow surrounding him and his mussed hair.

Uriel (from offscreen, above): And that the advance payment is greatly appreciated.

Sound FX: *thud*